Here is a summary of all the interesting tutorials and videos published about OpenRefine through September. Do not forget to subscribe to our newsletter to get our monthly update right in your mailbox.
Community Announcements
- New release
- Openrefine v3.4.1 with
- SQLite Importer
- Close modal dialogs with the ESC key
- option to strip whitespace in cell values for the CSV/TSV importer
- Improvement for the Google Drive integration
- Facets can be minimized
- tons of bug fixes
- RDF Extension v1.2.2 Fixes error when reconciling against a plain SPARQL endpoint
- English Tutorial:
- OpenRefine: A Tool For Data Preprocessing Without Code
- Libraries Think They Are Notable: Using WorldCat Holdings Data to Fill Gaps in Wikipedia
- English Videos:
- Scripts in OpenRefine - extracting and modifying operation from undo/redo in json by Griffith Library
- Data Cleaning with OpenRefine following #Carpentries OpenRefine for Ecologists lesson
- Revamping OpenRefine a reproducible data wrangler by the only Antonin Delpeuch at #fosdem2020
- LD4D 3. Producing triples using OpenRefine and RDF-extension
- Spanish Videos:
- Identificación y corrección de errores de un conjunto de datos, usando la herramienta OpenRefine
- Taller “Aumenta la calidad de los datos de tu entidad con OpenRefine
- depurar informacion con OpenRefine
- Identificacion y correccion de errores con OpenRefine
- Estado actual de errores RTVC (Openrefine)
- Corrección de errores RTVC (Depuración de datos Openrefine)
- Portuguese Video:
- Swedish Video:
- Czech Tutorial:
- Chinese Tutorial: