September often means back to school. If OpenRefine is on your list of new software to learn, we listed below (in no particular order) the best courses released in 2020 for OpenRefine 3.3. They all provide a complete overview of OpenRefine from installation to more advanced features like GREL and reconciliation. All courses combine detailed walkthroughs in text and video with hands-on tutorials to get your new skills in practice. Courses are available in 🇬🇧 English, 🇪🇸Spanish and 🇳🇱 Dutch.
Of course, the Library, Social Science, Ecology Carpentries and Programming Historian lessons are still relevant and being kept up to date. You can also consult our OpenRefine Foundation class (using OpenRefine 2.6).
We listed their curriculum below to ease the comparison. Let us know in the comment if we missed something! Happy learning.
Map & Data Library, University of Toronto
Course Content:
- (Optional) OpenRefine Installation Instructions
- OpenRefine Tutorial 1. Survey of Household Spending Activity
- OpenRefine Tutorial 2. Citizen Science Activity
- OpenRefine Tutorial 3. Regular Expressions (Regex) Activity
- OpenRefine Tutorial 4. 311 Calls Activity
- OpenRefine Augmenting Activity 1: Preparing the data
- OpenRefine Augmenting Activity 2: Using Reconciliation Services
- OpenRefine Augmenting Activity 3: Using Add Column by Fetching URLs
- OpenRefine Augmenting Activity 4: Using Python
Griffith Library
With direct access to their video:
- Launch OpenRefine
- Layout of OpenRefine
- Facets in OpenRefine
- Clustering with OpenRefine
- Filtering with OpenRefine
- Sorting with OpenRefine
- Transforming data using GREL in OpenRefine
- Splitting cells in OpenRefine
- Numbers in OpenRefine
- Scripts in OpenRefine
- Exporting from OpenRefine
- Limit the dataset using OpenRefine
- Find a key variable in OpenRefine
- Add a new column based values from two columns in OpenRefine
- Remove duplicate rows with OpenRefine
- GREL cell.cross function to match a key variable from two datasets
- Tidy the ‘Site features’ column using OpenRefine
- Add a column using value.split in OpenRefine
- Alternative method - add a new column using GREL in OpenRefine
- Map data with
🇪🇸 GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility: Guía de Uso Básico de OpenRefine para la limpieza de datos sobre biodiversidad
- 1. Carga de datos y creación de un proyecto
- 2. Limpieza de datos
- 2.1. Manejo básico de columnas
- 2.2. Uso de Facetas
- 2.3. Uso de Filtros
- 2.4. Uso de Agrupamientos
- 2.5. Deshacer y rehacer cambios
- 2.6. Marcado de registros: banderas y estrellas
- 3. Guardado y exportación de datos y proyectos
- 3.1. Guardado de datos y proyectos
- 3.2. Exportación de datos y proyectos
- 4. Consultas a servicios externos
- 4.1. Consultas externas a través de URLs
- Epílogo
- Agradecimientos
- Apéndice 1: instalación de OpenRefine
🇳🇱 Platform ZelfDoen: online cursus OpenRefine
- hoofdstuk 1: OpenRefine: tool voor het opschonen van collectie data
- hoofdstuk 2: Voorbereiding: download het programma en een voorbeeld dataset
- hoofdstuk 3: Importeren van data in OpenRefine
- hoofdstuk 4: De lay out van OpenRefine (rijen en records)
- hoofdstuk 5: Over facetten en filters
- hoofdstuk 6: Over clusteren van gegevens
- hoofdstuk 7: Werken met kolommen en sorteren
- hoofdstuk 8: Transformaties: introductie
- hoofdstuk 9: Transformaties: redo en undo
- hoofdstuk 10: Transformaties: tekst, getallen, data en booleaans
- hoofdstuk 11: Transformaties: arrays of reeksen
- Hoofdstuk 12: Exporteren van je dataset