This article will go through steps to gather on the content of the same row spread on two rows. This method can be extended when a single record is hosted on multiple rows.
Another interesting solution is described by Mekk in the comment of this article using row.record.cells[columnName].value[0] . It has been since turned into its own article: Fill down the right and secure way
In our case, the records A(1,2,3) appears on lines 1 and 2. The same thing happens for record B and C.
- Set your display on Show as rows.
- Select one of the column where your data are display as top row. In our case Col1 and Col3 host top rows data and facet on non blank (=false) on one of this column
- Stars all rows and remove the facet
- Fill down on all columns
- Facet on star = true
- Remove all matchings rows
- and remove the facet on starred row. Now we have only three rows presenting all information relative to A ; B and C :)