With the new year, we decided to start a monthly review of what happened in the OpenRefine community. We listed below a summary of what happened in December 2019 and January 2020. Let us know if we missed something.
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Do not forget to subscribe to our newsletter on the right to never miss an update.
Community announcements
- W3C Draft Community Group for the Reconciliation Service API A protocol for data matching on the Web
- OpenRefine joins Code for Science and Society
Release and contribution
Release: OpenRefine v3.3 including:
- A new menu for joining (concatenating) columns has been added (#2109)
- Commonly used fields in dialogs now have autofocus (#2130)
- The Wikidata extension now supports adding dates with custom calendars (#2136)
- Calling reconciliation services via CORS is now supported (#2260)
- All columns can be blanked down or filled down at once (#2280)
- New "Blank values per column" and "Blank records per column" facets were added (#2220)
Other community contributions:
- Turkish Video: #8 OpenRefine ile veri temizleme
- English Video: OpenRefine Beginners Tutorial - how to process and reconcile datasets by Emma Carroll
- French Documentation: Wikibook: OpenRefine
- French Tutorial: Nettoyer, préparer et transformer des données avec Openrefine : des premiers pas aux usages avancés
- German Tutorial: Forschungsdokumentation - Bearbeiten und Verlinken mit OpenRefine und Wikidata
- Spanish Tutorial: OpenRefine – Guía básica, Limpieza de datos sobre biodiversidad
- Japanese Video: Annotation と Sample と OpenRefine @ Annotathon2019
- Japanese Tutorial: EXCELのセルの値をPythonの正規表現で置換す
- Spanish Tutorial: Tratar conjuntos de datos con OpenRefine
- English Tutorial: How to use Columnize by Key/Value