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For a comprehensive documentation you should refer to the official OpenRefine wiki.

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Transpose columns across rows (grefine 2.5)

This article was previously name JSON code to transpose important number of columns. With Google Refine 2.5, the transpose function have been remodel with nice usability improvement. If you are using google refine 2.1 or an earlier version please refer to this article.

JSON code to transpose important number of columns (grefine 2.1)

The code below transpose Column 1 to 19 into one single column. One can quickly edit and adapt this code to your project, open it in NotePade, and call the replace function (keyboard shortcut: ctrl+H). Then replace the term "column" by your column name.

Action describes in this is post are valid only for google refine 2.1 and previous version. If you are using google refine 2.5, please refer to the transpose column across rows article.


Use google refine to navigate data solely (facet, filter, flag)

Google refine can also be used to solely navigate and explore data without editing them. I find it very useful to explore large data-set thanks to its good user interface, this avoid to develop a specific one to visualize data. In this post I will present the three mains option to interact with the data: facet, text filer and flags.


Google Refine 2.0 Training video

In this video you will learn to:


countif in google refine with facetCount

Countif is an expression in Excel that count every time a value appears in a determine zone of your spreadsheet. Google refine support the same function to count every time a value appears in a column.


vlookup in google refine

vlookup is a very useful formula in Excel and it has is equivalent in google refine under the name cell.cross. Using this expression you can import data from a google refine project to an other based on a key value.