
Use Google Refine to clean your data for Fulcrum (from around the web)

Use Google Refine to clean your data for Fulcrum

Fulcrum allow to create location-based data collection apps and deploy them to your mobile device. This tutorial show how to use google refine to take advantages of the data you have collected using fulcrum

via Delicious http://docs.fulcrumapp.com/guides/cleaning-up-data-with-google-refine/


Error: smartSplit error: Un-terminated quoted field at end of CSV line

I am a big fan of the smartSplit function. It is really easy to understand and help to extract quickly part of a string based on any character. However if while using the smartSplit function a cells contains a double quote - " - sign, google refine will return the following error message
Error: smartSplit error: Un-terminated quoted field at end of CSV line

Here is my work around.


Google Refine Workshop (from around the web)

This tutorial / exercise will walk you through all google refine main functionality. Through it's exercise so you can get your hand on quickly!

Data Journalism Workshop - New York (from around the web)

Google Hangout of HHNew York presenting Google Refine