
Split cell content into multiple column, non fixed field length

I recently get a file to work on generated by crystal report and I had to deal with this format as no other were available. In my case, data were supposed to be split into 11 columns, in the original file there were all in 1, data were separated by a variable number of space. This post will present a process to split cell content when you have no markup. JSON code is provided for reference below.


How to merge records from different columns

New - March 2020 Update:

  • OpenRefine 3.0, we have the coalesce() function:  which natively handles the null correctly. 
  • OpenRefine 3.3 introduced a user interface that offers tons of flexibility. See tutorial

This tutorial has been merge with How to merge cells that have blank cells.

You can also refer to the following video tutorials:


Using "splitByLengths" in Google Refine

Learn how to use the "splitByLengths" function in Google Refine to split a single column into multiple columns based.